Neal Ford  |
  • Author, Thoughtworker, & Meme Wrangler

Software Architecture Fundamentals:Service-based Architectures cover

Software Architecture Fundamentals:Service-based Architectures

The microservice architectural style is suddenly hugely popular, but it is only one in a family of related service-based architectures. This video covers a variety of service-based architectures, comparing and contrasting along several dimensions (structure, engineering practices, deployment, etc) from monolithic through services to microservice architectures. In particular, we highlight the differences between traditional SOA-style architectures and microservices, allowing architects to make a better informed decision as to the proper style. We also cover the challenges and best practices when migrating from monolithic or traditional SOA to microservice architectures.

This video is divided into three parts: Concepts, Engineering Practices, and Migrations and Hybrids. The Concepts section covers basic definitions and differentiation between these similar architectural styles. It also describes challenges when moving from application to integration architectural. The Engineering Practices section covers DevOps, testing, and organization, all of which are critical success factors in microservice architectures. Last, in the Migrations and Hyrbrids section, we discuss how to migrate between monolithic and several different variations of service-based architectures.



Table of Contents

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Neal Ford  |
  • Author, Thoughtworker, & Meme Wrangler