Neal Ford  |
  • Author, Thoughtworker, & Meme Wrangler

My Magazine Articles

I've been published in quite a few different magazines, covering a ridiculous span of technologies. This is the list of all my magazine articles (good luck finding back issues for some of these old ones -- you'll just have to trust me!)

Print Magazines

# Publisher Magazine Article
1 Advisor Publications dBASE Advisor Make the Move to Static Variables
Vol 2, #1, January/Feburary 1995
2 Advisor Publications dBASE Advisor DLLs and Dialing
Vol 2, #1, January/Feburary 1995
3 Advisor Publications FoxPro Advisor Lock Intruders Out of Your Applications
Vol 3, #4, May 1995
4 Advisor Publications dBASE Advisor Extending Functionality with Get/Set Functions
Vol 2, #3, May/June 1995
5 Advisor Publications dBASE Advisor Context-Sensitive Fly Over Help
Vol 2, #3, May/June 1995
6 Pinnacle Publishing Delphi Developer Exceptional Programming
Vol 1, #2, July 1995
7 Advisor Publications dBASE Advisor Object-oriented Library Construction
Vol 2, #4, August/September 1995
8 Advisor Publications dBASE Advisor Create Your Own Multi-User Editing Controls
Vol 2, #5, October/November 1995
9 Pinnacle Publishing Delphi Developer Make It Visual, Part 1
Vol 1, #12, December 1995
10 Pinnacle Publishing Delphi Developer Make It Visual, Part 2
Vol 2, #1, January 1996
11 Pinnacle Publishing Delphi Developer Make It Visual, Part 3
Vol 2, #2, February 1996
12 Coriolis Group Visual Developer Tag as Cargo
Vol 7, #6, February/March 1997
13 Coriolis Group Visual Developer C++Builder for Delphi Programmers
Vol 8, #3, August/September 1997
14 Sys-Con Publications JBuilder Developer's Journal JBuilder's Use of the Model-View-Controller Architecture (Cover Article)
Vol 1, #2, December 1999
15 Sys-Con Publications JBuilder Developer's Journal Building Master/Detail Data Aware JTrees (Cover Article)
Vol 2, #1, January 2000
16 Sys-Con Publications JBuilder Developer's Journal Using the JTable and TableModel (Cover Article)
Vol 2, #2 February 2000
17 Sys-Con Publications JBuilder Developers Journal Stupid JBuilder Tricks
Vol 2, #2 February 2000
18 Sys-Con Publications JBuilder Developer's Journal Building Custom Providers, Part 1
Vol 2, #4, July 2000
19 Sys-Con Publications JBuilder Developer's Journal Building Custom Providers, Part 2
Vol 2, #9, September 2000
20 Sys-Con Publications Java Developers Journal Product Review: RoseLink for JBuilder
Vol 6, #1, January 2001
21 Sys-Con Publications Java Developers Journal Product Review: Borland AppServer
Vol 6, #4, April 2001
22 Sys-Con Publications Java Developers Journal Building T hread-safe GUI's with Swing
Vol 6, #5, May 2001
23 Sys-Con Publications Java Developers Journal Making a Mountain Out of an Anthill
Vol 6, #6, June 2001
24 Sys-Con Publications Java Developers Journal Strutting Your Stuff (Cover Article)
Vol 6, #11, November 2001
25 Software & Support Verlag GmbH Javamagazin (German Publication) Arbeiten mit XML in Java, Teil 1 (Working with XML Pt 1: Parsing w/ SAX & DOM)
April 2002
26 Software & Support Verlag GmbH Javamagazin (German Publication) Arbeiten mit XML in Java, Teil 2 (Working with XML Pt III: JDOM)
May 2002    
27 SDAasia SDAasia Enterprise Programming Trends May 2005

Web-based Magazines

# Publisher Magazine Article
1 Advisor Publications C++BuilderZine Component Creation Part 1 Vol 1, #1, March 2000
2 Advisor Publications C++BuilderZine Component Creation Part 2 Vol 1, #2, April 2000
3 Sys-Con Publications Linux Business Week Product Review: VMWare Vol 1, #3, November 2001
4 Sys-Con Publications Linux Business Week Product Review: Kylix 2 Vol 1, #3, December 2001
5 International Data Group (IDG) JavaWorld On-line Art of Java Web development: WebWork March 29, 2004
6 MIddleware Company TheServerSide .com Cocoon as a Web Framework March 31, 2004
7 Software & Support Verlag Web Frameworks: Using "Just" Model 2 May 5, 2004
8 Software & Support Verlag Struts: Web Frameworks Part 2 September 1, 2004
9 IBM developerWorks IBM developerWorks Centralizing Help in Eclipse June 22, 2005
10 IBM developerWorks IBM developerWorks Usiing the Ruby Developer Tools plug-in for Eclipse October 16, 2005

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Neal Ford  |
  • Author, Thoughtworker, & Meme Wrangler