Neal Ford  |
  • Author, Thoughtworker, & Meme Wrangler

Software Architecture Fundamentals: People Skills cover

Software Architecture Fundamentals: People Skills

Dive deeper into people skills in the fourth video of this acclaimed series on software architecture fundamentals from Neal Ford and Mark Richards. Programming and technology is only one side of a software architect’s skillset. Along with being an excellent developer, you also have to be a communicator and a leader. People skills help you work well within a larger corporate structure, manage teams, and ensure that technology is a first-level concern at your company.

In this video, you’ll learn how to:

  • Control various types of architecture boundaries and the personalities that form them
  • Work with members of your architecture team by using techniques and best practices
  • Cope with meetings imposed on you and meetings you impose on others
  • Become an effective technical leader by honing your skills
  • Delve into the relationship between software architecture, team structure, and the impact of Conway’s Law when designing systems
  • Use negotiating skills to drive consensus and understand tradeoffs with stakeholders, technologists, and team members
  • Build your personal technology radar as a way to investigate new technologies in a structured way
  • Crowd-source technology decisions within your organization by building a companywide technology radar
  • Purchase or stream at O'Reilly's site

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    Neal Ford  |
    • Author, Thoughtworker, & Meme Wrangler